Go Back Manage your Cloud Site Storage

Trough the Cloud Site Configuration tab, under System, you can manage the storage assigned to each and every instance registered. Once a registered instance has completed the upload of at least one backup, it will appear in the list.
For each item, you'll be able to see the number of items (virtual machines or files & folders backups), the total portion of the assigned storage that the instance is using and the last date and time that the instance has been updated. On the top right you'll also find different buttons that you can use to further manage your cloud site.

VMWare and Hyper-V Backup Wiki

This button will refresh the current view, recalculating storage sizes and available instances

Add New
Use this button to add a new specific instance folder. When uploading your local backup, the remote cloud site will check for your instance name and deploy the upload to the specified storage. To add a new specific instance folder, fill the fields with the source instance name and select the folder where you wish the upload to be stored.

You can change a specific instance folder by using the edit button (or also by double clicking on any row of the cloud sites list). The new instance folder will be used instead of the default folder for all uploads for that specific instance. While by default all upload folders follow instance naming, a specific upload folder can be named in any way.

VMWare and Hyper-V Backup Wiki

Please note that changing the upload folder does not move the data from the previous folder. This is an operation that must be done manually on the target site storage.

The delete button will delete an instance storage. VSquare will physically delete all the data in the deleted folder.

The reindex button will create one reindexing task for each virtual machine folder inside an instance storage. This function will automatically schedule a index refresh for each machine currently inside the storage. If no index is found, the index will be created. Use this function also when new machine backups are manually added to an instance storage.

Default Storage
Changing the default storage will change the target storage for every instance that do no have a specific upload folder. As for the Edit functionality, VSquare does not move data from the previous storage. This is an operation that must be done manually on the target site storage.

VMWare and Hyper-V Backup Wiki


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Last Update : 08 May 2017 - 16:43