Go Back Disk integrity check failed. At least one file or folder of the disk filesystem is unreadable (VSQ-000015)

Disk integrity check failed. At least one file or folder of the disk filesystem is unreadable (VSQ-000015)


The VSquare filesystem integrity check fails with the following error when checking a backup virtual disk:

Disk integrity check failed. At least one file or folder of the disk filesystem is unreadable.


This error is raised by the virtual disk check library when at least one file or folder cannot be accessed or cannot have its properties parsed.


If the virtual disk filesystem is supported by VSquare Backup, this error usually means that there are some minor issues on the original disk. These issues can be fixed by accessing the virtual machine console and execute a full scan disk (or any equivalent tool). Please note that in some cases the source virtual machine filesystem may have some specific files and folders structure that are acceptable for the host operating system but cannot be parsed correctly: in this case, the error may still be raised.

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Last Update : 27 July 2017 - 10:11