Go Back VSquare 2.3.1 Patch Notes

- Fixed a bug that could cause the client to limit usage to free plan when the server had a fully paid plan.

- Fixed a bug that could cause automatic retry to do only 2 tries instead of 3

Disaster Recovery
- Transfer staging will now gracefully fail when the virtual machine cannot be consolidated at start
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the disaster recovery snapshot to be removed from virtual machine in case of a staging error
- Fixed a bug that could prevent a VMware disk to be discarded from the upload job.

- Fixed bug in the cloud upload reporting that would specify -1 as free cloud space.

- Files & Folder Agent backup can now be fully staged, optimized and uploaded to cloud
- RawConnector port is now correctly detected and used on optimized agents

Applicable Plans

Applicable Versions

Last Update : 27 September 2016 - 08:07