Go Back SSL: EOF in violation of protocol (VSQ-000012)

SSL: EOF in violation of protocol (VSQ-000012)


A VSquare Backup VMware virtual machine backup fails and displays one the following errors in the final execution report:

External component has thrown an exception.

An error occured during disk backup. API description is 18000 - VIX_E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_HOST

Investigating the VMware executor log contents, you find the following error lines for the affected machine virtual disks:

SSL: EOF in violation of protocol
SSL: connect failed
CnxAuthdConnect: Returning false because SSL_ConnectAndVerify failed
CnxConnectAuthd: Returning false because CnxAuthdConnect failed
Cnx_Connect: Returning false because CnxConnectAuthd failed


This issue may be related to the SSL connection thumbprint missing for a connection to a 6.x VMware host.


This issue can be solved by enabling the use of the SSL thumbprint during backup connection in the datacenter detail dialog, as displayed in the picture below:

VMWare and Hyper-V Backup Wiki

See Also

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Last Update : 27 July 2017 - 09:22