Go Back The session does not have the required permissions (VSQ-000011)

The session does not have the required permissions (VSQ-000011)


A VSquare Backup VMware virtual machine backup fails and displays one the following errors in the final execution report:

External component has thrown an exception.

An error occured during disk backup. API description is 18000 - VIX_E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_HOST

Investigating the VMware executor log contents, you find the following error for the affected machine virtual disks:

Error 18000 (Cannot connect to the host) (NFC error 11: The session does not have the required permissions).


This issue may occur on VMware vCenter 6.0+ when executing a full clone backup, as detailed in the following VMware Knowledge Base article.


This issue can be solved in multiple ways:

  1. Do not use the administrator@vsphere.local user in the VSquare Backup datacenter connection
  2. In the VSquare Backup backupset, uncheck the "Use VMware Clone API when executing a full backup" option. This will force VSquare to use direct vmdk connection and bypass the cloning issue.
  3. In the virtual machine detail dialog, inside the configuration section, uncheck the "Enable Changed Block Tracking (CBT)" option. This will force VSquare Backup to skip CBT enabling on the VMware virtual machine and workaround the VMware issue. Note that this may cause Synthetic, Incremental and Differential backups to not execute correctly

See Also

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Last Update : 27 July 2017 - 08:33