Go Back VSquare 2.2 Patch Notes

This document contains all of the updates and fixes that are contained in VSquare Backup version 2.2. Please read each note carefully as it may contain vital information on upgrading your current VSquare Backup installation.

- Fixed an issue that would cause a restore point to be missing if no change was detected on any disk of a virtual machine.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a time-out mail to be sent for a backup when a virtual machine snapshot would take too much time to complete.

Exchange Restore
- VSquare can now correctly analyze and restore Enterprise Vault messages.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent mailboxes to be correctly extracted and visualized.
- Attachments bigger than 32MB are now correctly extracted and encoded.

- Improved performances for upload and merge operations for Corporate cloud servers.
- Improved cloud files restore and download speed.
- Cloud stored backups are now listed as backups in the virtual machine detail dialog and can be operated from there.
- Corporate uploads are now queued on the server. Server merging and restoring does not lock upload from remote clients.
- Fixed an issue that could cause cloud upload to hang, waiting for cloud server clearance indefinitely.

Applicable Plans

Applicable Versions

Last Update : 29 June 2016 - 12:44