Go Back Preparing your Cloud Site for the first upload

Once you've configured your Cloud Site, you many want to cut the time required for uploading the very first backups. VSquare employs a very efficient differencing optimizations that will dramatically increase the upload speed of all your instances, but the very fist upload must still be done completely. You can skip ahead of the this first step by manually deploying the very fist backup and following these steps:

  • Create a folder named exactly as the instance you're preparing

  • Inside the folder, create a new folder for each virtual machine you're going to upload. The folder must be named exactly as the virtual machine

  • Inside the virtual machine folder, copy the lastest backup for that virtual machine. Do not copy the date subfolder, but the backup inside.

  • Once all the virtual machines have been copied, refresh the Cloud Site Configuration view. You will see the new storage in the list

  • Select the storage and press the Reindex button. VSquare will automatically apply its optimization engine to the backup and get ready for the first upload.


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Last Update : 08 May 2017 - 16:43