1.Executing On Demand Backup Jobs

How to execute an OnDemand backupset.

1.Machine 'name' was not found on any datacenter host (VSQ-000010)

Machine 'name' was not found on any datacenter host.

1.Automatic Backup Retries

VSquare uses the most advanced backup technologies for each supported hypervisor. Backup is made taking into account all the best practices that allow you to create a secure copy with the least impact on your infrastructure.

1.Backup Job - Destination

In this section you can configure where and how your backups will be stored.

1.Backup Modes

Backup modes supported by VSquare Backup.

1.How to Schedule a new Backup job

How to schedule a backup job using Anywhere Administration Console and create your very first backup.

1.Backup Job - Advanced

This section contains all the advanced configuration settings you many need to configure for a particular backup job.

1.Backup Job - Schedule View

You can use this section to configure when a backup can be executed by VSquare.

1.Backup Job - Main View

This is the main backup job details tab, where you can edit generic informations about the backup job.

1.Backup Job - Source

In this section you can select which virtual machines on you configured nodes you wish to backup.